Avoid-things-that-affect-Feng-Shui Buddha&Energy

Avoid things that affect Feng Shui


The beautification of the home environment fengshui requires the joint maintenance of family members. It does not mean that everything is suitable to be placed at home. In life, we...

Avoid things that affect Feng Shui


The beautification of the home environment fengshui requires the joint maintenance of family members. It does not mean that everything is suitable to be placed at home. In life, we...

The-toilet-is-considered-to-be-a-gathering-place-for-filth-so-what-are-the-problems-in-toilet-feng-shui-that-need-attention Buddha&Energy

The toilet is considered to be a gathering plac...


How many do you know about fengshui? Let's learn about them together.1. There are men's and women's toilets upstairs from my office. How can I adjust it to avoid danger?...

The toilet is considered to be a gathering plac...


How many do you know about fengshui? Let's learn about them together.1. There are men's and women's toilets upstairs from my office. How can I adjust it to avoid danger?...

The-relationship-between-crystals-and-people-s-fortunes-is-super-practical Buddha&Energy

The relationship between crystals and fortunes ...


Crystal refers to transparent quartz crystals, mainly colorless, pure and transparent of high quality, ice clear jade, purple, yellow, smoke, green and pink and other colors because of the presence...

The relationship between crystals and fortunes ...


Crystal refers to transparent quartz crystals, mainly colorless, pure and transparent of high quality, ice clear jade, purple, yellow, smoke, green and pink and other colors because of the presence...

Do-you-know-the-feng-shui-effect-of-various-natural-crystal-balls Buddha&Energy

Do you know the feng shui effect of various nat...


The most common in the natural spar ornaments is the amethyst geode ornaments or white crystal clusters, amethyst clusters, etc., and the dancers on the spar today want to specifically...

Do you know the feng shui effect of various nat...


The most common in the natural spar ornaments is the amethyst geode ornaments or white crystal clusters, amethyst clusters, etc., and the dancers on the spar today want to specifically...

How-does-a-natural-crystal-ball-improve-Feng-Shui-and-what-are-its-uses-in-life Buddha&Energy

How does a natural crystal ball improve Feng Sh...


Crystal balls are widely used in real life, what is the importance of the use of feng shui of crystal balls? Although the crystal ball does not have the attributes...

How does a natural crystal ball improve Feng Sh...


Crystal balls are widely used in real life, what is the importance of the use of feng shui of crystal balls? Although the crystal ball does not have the attributes...

What-are-the-effects-of-amethyst-geodes-Where-is-the-right-place-to-put-in-your-home Buddha&Energy

What are the effects of amethyst geodes? Where ...


Amethyst geode is also widely used in the demagnetization of crystal, because the energy of amethyst geode is very sufficient, if it is a person who is sensitive to magnetic...

What are the effects of amethyst geodes? Where ...


Amethyst geode is also widely used in the demagnetization of crystal, because the energy of amethyst geode is very sufficient, if it is a person who is sensitive to magnetic...