Pink-quartz-cornucopia-beckons-good-luck-and-good-popularity-where-is-the-taboo-place-to-place Buddha&Energy

Pink quartz cornucopia beckons good luck and good popularity, where is the taboo place to place?

Pink quartz cornucopia beckons good luck and good popularity

The gentle and romantic quartz basin is full of energy, a natural magic weapon to nourish the heart chakra, discover more truths about happiness and joy in life, and often have a happy face and joy on a sound day! Natural joy is a kind of spiritual frequency, a very subtle energy, which can relax your tense life when you have the will to connect with it, and bring you many blessings~~

Now let's learn about the pink crystal cornucopia with the Bomb Crystal House Dancing City!

The meaning of the pink quartz cornucopia: good luck and popularity. The pink color of the pink crystal cornucopia is the color that represents good luck and marriage, and the pink crystal cornucopia symbolizes all the good things of marriage and love in feng shui.

Pink quartz is known as hibiscus stone, pink quartz exudes a gentle and attractive pink glow, which can help improve interpersonal relationships, enhance popularity, business relationships, and is the best weapon to open the door to do business. Pink crystal cornucopia: Pink is a fire, which can strengthen enthusiasm and is mostly used for confidence and stability between people. And the fire is also the main wealth, and the fire is the prosperity of the main wealth, as we say, "business is booming".

Taboo places for the pink quinucopia cornucopia: The
bathroom is full of moisture, and most of them are filthy, if the ornaments are placed here, not only will not play a role in improving the fortune of money, but will also blaspheme the gods. After a long time, the money fortune of the whole family will be weakened to varying degrees, and various emergencies will be encountered, which will cost a lot of money to deal with.

Pink crystal cornucopia, stabilizing the feng shui magnetic field, where can it be placed?

The cornucopia is a thing that urges wealth and is suitable for placing on the wealth position. Placing in a financial position can greatly improve your personal financial luck, and can make your financial luck prosperous, and your promotion is expected, and it will be smooth sailing. Most of the "wealth" we are talking about here refers to opportunities, and placing the crystal cornucopia in the right position can attract more business and opportunities, of course, whether this business and opportunity can be grasped or not, or rely on their own efforts.

Usually we will use the method of adding water and coins, which has multiple functions and expands the ability to attract wealth. The cornucopia can also be filled with coins, copper coins, ingots, amulets and other auspicious, safe, and wealth-inducing items.

White-collar workers, if you want to establish good public relations, you can put a cornucopia of pink quartz in the office, which can enhance your popularity, make your relationship with colleagues and leaders harmonious, and help you develop your career.

You can place the pink quartz cornucopia in the bedroom, which can enhance the relationship between husband and wife, promote a happy marriage, and at the same time can change the magnetic field of the human body, strengthen vitality, promote health, and let you and your family live a long and healthy life.

The use of pink crystal cornucopia in feng shui can easily be collected and released, can gather and disperse, its magnetic field is very strong, placed in the house auspicious position can attract blessings and block evil, auspicious and peaceful.

Pink crystal cornucopia gathers wealth and popularity, can bring a soft and peaceful mood, balance your own breath, adjust your mentality, let you become a better self, placed at home can exude an auspicious atmosphere, balance the magnetic field, eliminate the negative energy in the home, in addition to she can help children maintain a cheerful state of mind, reduce stubbornness,

Pink crystal cornucopia, stable feng shui magnetic field, a must-have for good popularity and fortune! Pink quartz cornucopia has the same effect as other ornaments, placing the pink quincucumber in the living room of the home, can absorb the negative energy at home, dissolve bad luck, and keep the family safe.

Appreciate the Bodhitta Crystal House together. Pink quartz design!

The above pink quartz items are all from the natural original spar designer Weibo of Bodhisattva Crystal House: Crystal Dance Allure! Welcome to pay attention to communication and exchange.

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