What-kind-of-home-feng-shui-can-be-favored-by-the-God-of-Wealth Buddha&Energy

What kind of home feng shui can be favored by the God of Wealth?

What kind of home feng shui can be favored by the God of Wealth?

Everyone hopes that their God of Wealth will always be here and make a lot of money. So what kind of home Feng Shui can be favored by the God of Wealth? This issue of Home Feng Shui will take you to understand the home Feng Shui that the God of Wealth favors the most. Let's take a look at it together.

1. The living room is the entrance. The living room is a place to receive guests, so the correct planning in the home is to see the living room as soon as you enter the door. If you need to go through the bedroom or kitchen to reach the living room, it will make the inside and outside of the house unclear, life lacks privacy, and it is easy to make work or business derailed and leak.

2. The living room is clean and tidy. The living room represents the key to external communication, so it should be kept clean and tidy at all times to avoid piling up garbage and debris. If the light bulb or fluorescent lamp is broken, it should be replaced quickly, so as to gather the centripetal force of the family and enhance personal wealth.

3. Adequate light. The ancients said "the living room is bright and the room is dark", which means that the living room must be well lit and the air must be circulated. Therefore, if this place can be filled with positive energy at any time, the good luck index will naturally increase.

4. Smooth movement lines The wine cabinet or cupboard in the living room must be close to the wall. In addition, the sofa must face the door or TV, and must not be placed against the door, because the sofa against the door will make your interpersonal relationships unharmonious, and it is easy to offend villains or have disputes with others. Another reason is that if a thief breaks in, there will be more time to react.

5. Solid floor The floor of the living room should be solid. Since the floor symbolizes your foundation, once it is found to be damaged, it should be replaced immediately. In addition, floors that feel cold, such as marble, can be resolved by laying carpets.

6. Fewer fish tanks Potted plants or fish tanks have the effect of bringing good luck in Feng Shui, but they should not be too many, otherwise it will easily make the living room too humid and cause the opposite effect.

7. Height of shoe cabinet The shoe cabinet next to the door should not be higher than an adult's hips. Because the shoes worn every day will be more or less covered with dust and sand, which represents foul air and will affect the fortune.

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