Complete-Basic-Knowledge-of-Home-Feng-Shui Buddha&Energy

Complete Basic Knowledge of Home Feng Shui

I believe many people should be aware of the importance of home feng shui, and to some extent, if well arranged feng shui can naturally change the fortune of family members. So in feng shui, what are the basic knowledge of home feng shui? Let's take a look together below.

In the study of Feng Shui, if there are children studying at home, a Wenchang Tower or four Wenchang pens should be placed. The desk can be left higher than right or left with equal height (referring to stacked books), and cannot be right higher than left. Be careful not to stack a stack of books on the right, with nothing on the left. The right is higher than the left, which is called "white tiger higher than green dragon" in feng shui.

To maintain a safe and healthy home, it is advisable to use potted plants to block the impact of the corner shadow. If possible, it is advisable to choose a house with no corners around to create a corner shadow. If your own residence is obstructed by a corner barrier, you should use potted plants, trees, or thicker curtains to block it.

The balcony cannot face the kitchen directly, which is also a kind of heart piercing evil. It can be used as a flower rack to plant climbing plants on the balcony or place large potted plants as barriers; Try to close the balcony curtains as much as possible during normal times; Alternatively, a cabinet or screen can be used to cover the area between the balcony and kitchen, but this may affect the indoor movement of residents.

The living room should have bright lighting, which is known as the bright hall and dark room in feng shui. During the day, it is necessary to ensure the use of natural light, and at night, the main light should be used in conjunction with local lighting to meet the living requirements of family members. The color and temperature of the light will cause indoor air to circulate upwards and downwards, producing good feng shui. However, at the same time, it is necessary to avoid glare and the balance of the Five Elements, which is called the Five Elements with moderation.

Pregnant women's living room feng shui. Pregnant women's living room should pay attention to avoiding all negative energy, which refers to all bad things and pointed things. In the bedroom of a pregnant woman, scissors and other knives should be avoided as much as possible, and sharp objects should not be present or seen. There should also be no sharp aura outside the bedroom of pregnant women, such as the blade of the house, which should avoid the direction of the pregnant woman's bedroom. If there is a window in the bedroom of a pregnant woman, look around the window and the building outside the window should not have any sharp edges facing the pregnant woman's bedroom. For example, there is a building with sharp edges facing the window of the pregnant woman's bedroom, and there should be no glass reflection facing the pregnant woman's living room. If there is one, a mirror needs to be placed on the window. In feng shui, this is called anti evil, reversing the evil.

Family ethics are still quite important for a person, especially in the eyes of the ancients. Many people attach great importance to their own family ethics. Therefore, it can be said that if one's family fortune is not good, it often leads to bad luck. So what are the signs of the decline of home feng shui and family ethics? Let's take a look together below.

Frequent occurrences of supernatural phenomena in the home, which are inexplicable and difficult to explain with normal thinking, seem like the supernatural space mentioned in the novel, where ghosts and monsters appear. When encountering such a situation, no matter how fashionable or luxurious your family is, it is best to resolve and handle it as early as possible to prevent the decline of family luck.

There are many weeds in the yard, and this characteristic is mostly found in rural areas. If there are particularly many weeds in your yard. And it cannot be completely eliminated, and the speed of growth is also particularly fast, so we need to pay attention. At that time, your family's fate will turn from sunny to gloomy, from improving to declining, and the impact will be very heavy. This kind of family is about to face decline, all things are not going smoothly, and the family fortune is very poor. Families with this phenomenon should be cautious.

If a family does not see cooking smoke, cooking and eating, or the symphony of pots, bowls, ladles, and spoons for years, then there is a signal of being a black sheep in the family. Nowadays, living conditions are better, work is more stressful, and many people always don't eat at home. This is okay in a short period of time, but it's not good if it's done for a long time. In terms of feng shui, there is a lack of "fire" energy, and we must pay attention to this, otherwise it's easy for our family to fall and our luck will decline.

Too cold and humid originally belonged to paddy fields, cultivated land, ancient wells, sewers, underground ditches, underground rivers, or low-lying and humid areas. It is necessary to clean up the attachments and soft soil layer on top, and fill it thoroughly before building a house. But if it is not filled properly, or if it is filled with unclean soil, especially dirty soil such as garbage. This type of house is inevitably damp and unfavorable for living. Long term living, its members may not be healthy and often suffer from diseases, making it easy for their families to fall into decline.

Bad habits such as excessive gambling, drinking, extramarital affairs, etc. must be quit. For example, gambling, no matter how well or cleverly you play, as long as you gamble recklessly, it will be a matter of time before you become a loser. But unfortunately, there are some black sheep who are unrestrained and unrestrained, including other bad habits, which can also cause negative consequences. If this person cannot control themselves in the face of bad habits and indulges themselves recklessly, then the matter of this person becoming a black sheep will soon befall you.

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