How-to-choose-the-weight-of-a-Czech-meteorite-full-of-energy Buddha&Energy

How to choose the weight of a Czech meteorite full of crystal enengy?

Exploring the Power of Crystal Energy in Czech Meteorites

The black appearance of the Czech meteorite looks a little unruly and a little arrogant, but if you look at the Czech meteorite in the sun or under a strong light, it is not difficult to find that it shines with a mysterious green luster, which is regarded as a symbol of immortality. In its green world, you can find your own touch of tranquility. You will find a gentle and true world, a green world that is pure and beautiful. It's very casual, and you can see different worlds in different stones, as if it's all-encompassing!

As a high-frequency and high-energy spar, long-term blending can help you remove negative energy, and can also make your heart soft and warm. I have written a lot about Czech meteorites, but there is still a lot of material that I have not finished. Let's talk about the Czech meteorite today!

Now let's learn about Czech meteorites with the Bodhitta Crystal House.

The Czech meteorite is said to have come from a planet outside the solar system that is 7.7 light-years away from Earth. This planet is 6.5 billion years old and only 5/8 the size of the Earth. It comes from the central position of the northern hemisphere of the Hall spectrum planet, formed inside the Hall spectrum planet, was erupted due to the internal movement of the star, and then stayed outside the Hall spectrum star for 40 million years, and then it expressed the will of interstellar travel, and then was separated from the parent star by a mysterious "artificial" force, and flew away from the galaxy, and flew directly towards the Earth after breaking away from the home star. After a long journey of 1.3 billion years to the solar system, he was attracted by the solar system and stayed for 800 million years, and finally chose the Earth as one of its landing sites.

1. The price of Czech meteorites

The price of Czech meteorites is evaluated based on shape and size, with cylindrical or spherical Czech meteorites being more expensive and irregulars being lower; Large czechs of Czech meteorites cost thousands of dollars, and small ones cost hundreds. When buying Czech meteorites, remember not to buy polished Czech meteorites, because any artificial cutting and polishing methods will affect the energy and value.

When it comes to price, you have to talk about its rarity. The number and weight of Czech meteorites are pitifully small compared to other meteorites, even compared with the production of diamonds, red, blue, green, pearls, and jadeite, they are very rare and precious! Modern jewelry stores put it in the category of "precious stones". Its rarity determines that its price will not be low, especially for large ones!

2. So is the bigger the Czech meteorite, the better?

This has to be viewed from two perspectives, in my opinion, large Czech meteorites more than 40 grams are basically not related to wearing, because with the design of 50-60 grams or even more, it is a bit uncomfortable to carry, and large Czech meteorites are not necessarily regular, and they may not be ideal in terms of actual wearing. In short, in my opinion, less than 40 grams is fine.

In addition, most of the choices above 40 grams are also for collection or play, so the meaning of choosing such a large Czech meteorite to buy is different. The price will also be much more expensive, so you still have to choose for yourself. I'm a pragmatist, and I look at it from the perspective of wearing. So I suggest that it is recommended to buy 20 grams-40 grams, taking into account both value preservation and wearing.

3. The following is based on the price analysis of Czech meteorites on international shopping websites, for reference only!

3-5g average price per gram: about 5.7 US dollars 5-10g average price per gram: about 6.4 US dollars 10-15g average price per gram: about 7.2 US dollars More than 15g is relatively rare, and due to the origin, output, color, shape and other factors affecting the price, there are no statistics.

The market value of the Czech meteorite is unimaginable, and more ethnic and religious believers believe that it is the embodiment of the cosmic gods, that it came to earth by the will of the gods of the universe, and that it is the god of luck appointed by the gods of the sun and the moon. They came to the earth in order to allow some species to grow and be reborn, and in order to solve the crisis of the earth's species and ecological resources, it brought us hope and light.

Appreciate the Bodhitta Crystal House together. Czech meteorite design with a dancing city!

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Have you ever wondered about the rich crystal energy stored within Czech meteorites? Unlike ordinary rocks, meteorites are extraordinary due to their cosmic origins. They are believed to be infused with powerful energy fields, particularly crystal energy so let's delve deeper into the knowledge of choosing the perfect weight of a Czech Meteorite loaded with such crystal energy.

But why is the weight of your meteorite so important? The weight of your stone can impact its energy concentration and potency. Higher weights mean that the energy is denser, so it’s important to choose wisely based on your needs and preferences. And while choosing, remembering that connecting with a meteorite is a deeply personal process. The right stone will choose you as much as you choose it.

So, how do you choose the weight? Start with small weights, getting a feel for the energy and how it interacts with you. Observe your emotional and physical responses. As you become more attuned to this energy, you can explore heavier weights, delving deeper into the crystal energy they bring. Harnessing this crystal energy effectively requires understanding and intuition – skills which will develop over time. Because of the uniqueness of each stone, the journey to finding your ideal meteorite can be as enriching as the energy it brings.

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