What-are-the-color-rankings-of-green-tourmaline-and-what-are-the-maintenance-skills-for-daily-wear Buddha&Energy

What are the color rankings of green tourmaline, and what are the maintenance skills for daily wear?

rankings of green tourmaline

The word for tourmaline has the meaning of turquoise, because the tourmaline that was introduced to China in the early days was mostly green. The word "seal" of tourmaline refers to the seal of the emperor, which refers to the emperor, and is the Chinese character with the highest specification in ancient Chinese culture. It can be seen that the status of tourmaline in colored gems is not ordinary. Green tourmaline, a touch of eternal green condensed by wonderful movement in deep geology, hides the oldest magical energy in the deep green. In the West, green tourmaline is a sign of luck and happiness; In the East, green tourmaline is a symbol of identity and status, low-key retro color, rich exterior aura makes green tourmaline repeatedly favored and treasured by nobles. Astrally, green tourmaline is the birthstone for the modern month of May because it is associated with the twins, symbolizing hope, health, and the vitality of spring.

There is a beautiful legend abroad: as long as you find the foothold of the rainbow, you can get eternal happiness. Rainbows are common, but people can't find their starting point. In 1500, the exploration team of Portuguese colonists found a gemstone in Brazil, shining with colorful neon, like a rainbow shooting from the sky to the center of the earth.

Now let's learn about green tourmaline with the crystal dance of the Bodha Crystal House family!

It is rumored that "tourmaline" originates from the homonym of the Persian word "phi and zaji", also known as tourmaline, bixiaxi, phi yesi, bixia xi, etc. The name "tourmaline" first appeared in China in the Qing Dynasty classic "Shi Ya": "The name of Bi Ya Mo is recorded in China, and it is not known." Qing Huidian Tuyun: Do concubines use Biya. Since then, the name "tourmaline" has become popular in China.

Green tourmaline is a general term for yellow-green to dark green as well as blue-green and brown tourmaline. In Brazil, green tourmaline is known as the "Brazilian emerald". Green tourmaline with large particles, good clarity, strong fire and good cut also gives designers unlimited creative space. Compared to expensive emeralds, affordable green tourmaline is quite wearable. In recent years, the price of many green series of colored gemstones has skyrocketed, but the increase in green tourmaline is not large, which is worth paying attention to.

Green tourmalines are listed in order of color: the best is emerald green (emerald green), followed by yellow-green, blue-green, dark green, brownish-green, and usually medium-darker in color is more expensive than medium-toned and dark-toned. The green range of green tourmaline is very rich, and the first consideration when choosing is the color. When picking a color, it is best to choose more "light green" tourmalines. Some heat-treated green tourmalines tend to have a slightly "grey tint", especially the dark brown tourmaline rough from South Africa, which often takes on a grayish-green color after heat treatment. These colors are very eye-catching under strong jewelry lights.

Maintenance of tourmaline:

1. When you don't usually wear tourmaline jewelry, place the tourmaline jewelry separately in the jewelry box, and don't let the tourmaline jewelry and other jewelry rub and collide with each other, causing unnecessary losses.

2. The hardness of tourmaline is 7-8, which is relatively high, but the tourmaline itself is relatively brittle and is afraid of being brittle. Unless it is a relatively pure, blemish tourmaline, try not to wear tourmaline gemstones for strenuous exercise or heavy work, so as not to cause the rupture of tourmaline gemstones.

3. It is a good habit to regularly inspect and repair your own jewelry, go to a professional jewelry store every month to check your tourmaline jewelry, and solve it in time if you find that the gemstone falls off, scratches and other phenomena.

4. If your friend's tourmaline jewelry is borderless and micro-inlay, you should avoid impact during the process of wearing tourmaline jewelry, because although the tourmaline jewelry in this way is beautiful, it is not very firm, so be careful.

Green tourmaline is a gemstone that can make people feel happy, happy and satisfied, and it is known as the "stone of wealth". Its green light is the light of wealth, which can help the owner of the wearing to make friends, good relationships, good luck, and is also easy to get the appreciation of the boss and the help of nobles. In life, it can make people physically and mentally happy, eliminate troubles, devote themselves to work, find the joy of work, and make self-satisfaction.

Appreciate the Bodhitta Crystal House together. Dancing green tourmaline design!

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