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Popular science enlightenment: Is the reincarnation of a living Buddha real or not?

Understanding the Concept of Living Buddha Reincarnation

There was once an entrepreneur who sent a photo of a living Buddha after meeting, with a rainbow behind him, saying that this is a famous living Buddha in Tibet, with profound Buddhism and auspicious surroundings, and this photo can be bless peace when placed on the body.

Entrepreneurs believe this, and I can understand it. Because there are too many uncontrollable factors in their business, such as two construction companies, although they are the same safety regulations and management requirements, but a company has not had any accidents in ten years, and a company has fallen and killed three workers in two years, which is naturally due to the Bodhisattva spirit he invited, and the one who had the accident could only spend money to find a master to "resolve and resolve".

However, for senior party members, high-level intellectuals, supporters of historical materialism, and successors of communism like us, we must know what it is and why it is true, lay out facts and reason, and win over our masses, so as not to fall too far into the trap of empty Buddhist rhetoric, or even be cheated out of money and people. We need to have enough knowledge to fight back and argue with the Buddhas.

From a global perspective, Buddhism is one of the three major religions in the world, and it is also the religion with the least number of followers among the three religions. Europe and the United States are basically Christian, Islam spreads in the Middle East, and Buddhism has a great influence in eastern Asia. Judging from this point alone, the fact that there are many people in the world who do not believe in Buddhism does not affect the development of Europe and the United States and the prosperity of the Middle East, but on the contrary, the development of East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, where we believe in Buddhism, is not very good. That's the reality.

After Buddhism originated in India, it spread in two directions, north and south, called Southern Buddhism and Northern Buddhism, and doctrinally, these two directions can also be called Hinayana Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism respectively. Southern Buddhism is mainly popular in Southeast Asian countries, and Northern Buddhism is divided into Han and Tibetan, of which Han Buddhism is mainly in China, North Korea, and Japan, and Tibetan Buddhism is mainly in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and Mongolia.

Why Mongolia also believes in Tibetan Buddhism, the first is because after Kublai Khan occupied the Central Plains and Tibet at the same time for the first time, he relied on him to formulate the script by worshipping the Tibetan Buddhist monk Bas-pa as the national teacher, and the second is because Tibetan Buddhism can eat meat, and Han Buddhism stipulated that meat cannot be eaten during the time of Emperor Wu of Liang, and it is impossible for the Mongols not to eat meat.

Now that we've covered some of the basics of Buddhism, let's look at the topic:

What is a living Buddha???

1. The Origin
of the Living Buddha The Living Buddha is unique to the Tibetan Buddhist system.

There are several terms in Tibetan Buddhism: lama, lama, lama, rinpoche, living Buddha.

Lama: All monks in Tibetan Buddhism are called lamas, so many people are commonly known as Lamaism, which is not rigorous, just like we in the Central Plains cannot call Buddhism a monk's religion.

Rinpoche: The original meaning is "big treasure", which refers to the monks who are virtuous and knowledgeable.

Guru: A teacher who teaches Buddhism in a temple. It can basically be equated with Rinpoche.

Living Buddha: This is the most special designation, which refers to a monk who has a reincarnation system, so you can call a living Buddha Rinpoche, a lama, or a lama, but not the other way around.

The word living Buddha was made up for him in Chinese, so ordinary people look at the meaning of the text, and have a bit of mystery in their hearts, thinking that they seem to be able to immortalize the soul, and they are really reincarnated as immortals. Actually, the original meaning of the word is "reincarnation", which is a general term for this type of person. In 1283, the Kagyu school (commonly known as the White Sect) monk Karma Pakhi passed away, and clearly asked his disciples to search and identify their own reincarnation, inherit the status and property of the sect leader, and his disciples followed some instructions given by the teacher, and finally found a boy as the reincarnation of Karma Pakhi, creating a precedent for the reincarnation of the living Buddha. Because this form is mysterious and effective, various sects of Tibetan Buddhism have imitated it, so there are now thousands of living Buddha reincarnation systems, and it can be said that a slightly larger temple has a living Buddha. According to the Tibetan Buddhist point of view, pay attention to the meaning of this sentence, to put it bluntly, they themselves think and preach that after death, the soul of those eminent monks is reincarnated into a newborn and continues to benefit all sentient beings.

2. The reincarnation ceremony
of the living Buddha Since the formation of the reincarnation system of the living Buddha, it has been continuously developed and improved for hundreds of years, and a set of basic processes with similar characteristics have gradually formed: after the old living Buddha died, he left some last words, such as vague words such as which direction to look for, or "viewing the lake", that is, these monks in the temple observed a lake after praying to see if they could find some clues through the shadow of the lake; The searcher, along this direction, found some children born during the time after the death of the old living Buddha, and then this child was born with some "visions" of the best, and even some behavior and habits have a little shadow, and finally they can also do some tests to see if he can recognize which item was used by the old living Buddha. Those who meet such conditions can be brought back to announce that the reincarnated spirit child has been found.

In fact, this is a problem of probability theory, there are many children born after the birth of the old living Buddha for a period of time, there are a lot of children, along this direction to search for a few will definitely be able to find, children's behavior is a bit similar, such as love to blink, love to rub hands, love to pick ears, touch the head and scratch the itch These can be the habits of the previous life, take out three or five old living Buddha used things, there must be a child in the end will choose the right, just like the Han "catch the week" ceremony.

Even if you search in this way, in the end, it will be found that there may be several children who meet these conditions, and then the question arises, which one to choose as the reincarnated spirit child? This is not only a matter of fairness and justice, but it is very likely that the local princes and clans will use this operating space to put their own family or the children they want to arrange on the reincarnated spirit child, so as to ensure the growth of their own power, which is not allowed to challenge the central government.

The Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty finally solved this problem through the golden bottle casting system:
the original text of the "Twenty-nine Articles of the King James Statute" is as follows: "Specially give a golden bottle, and when encountering the search for the spirit child in the future, invite the four protectors to write the name and date of birth of the spirit child on the sign in Manchu, Chinese, and Tibetan languages, put it in the bottle, select the truly learned living Buddha, pray for seven days, and then officially identify it by the Hutu Ketu and the minister stationed in Tibet in front of the statue of Shakyamuni in the Jokhang Temple." If only one child is found, a sign with the child's name and a sign without a name must be placed in the bottle together. ”

After the spirit child drawn by lot in the golden vase is reported to the emperor in Beijing and approved, the "bed-sitting" ceremony can be held to succeed the new living Buddha. Although the golden bottle lottery seems a bit simple and naïve, it is a golden bottle and a chanting scripture, and the essence is to play a trick of drawing lots.

But the simplest is the most powerful, and the road is simple, and this move prevents the possibility of Tibetan religion being controlled by the local government for a long time. It should be noted that this set of lottery system, which seems to be feudal superstition, has been used in a continuous line from the Qing Dynasty's "Twenty-Nine Articles of Statute" to the "Measures for the Reincarnation of Lamas" of the Republic of China, and to the "Measures for the Management of the Reincarnation of Living Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism" of the People's Republic of China.

3. The role of
the living BuddhaThe role of the living Buddha, like the role of religion, is transparent and essential, that is, the upper level is used to maintain the rule, the middle level is expensive for money, and the bottom level is to have a reason to paralyze themselves and live in a muddy way.

Upper: The upper political elites, including the emperor, the ruling ministers, and senior officials, all of them want the people to be safe and secure, and they believe that the cause and effect of the previous life is the best, and that exploitation and slavery should not be bitter, this is all the retribution of the previous life, you have suffered enough in this life, and it will be fine in the next life, and you will be blessed. It's okay to shout out a few unconvinced people who shouted "The prince will be a kind of Xiangning", and everyone can't even sleep well.

Middle level: It is the religious force represented by the living Buddha, these people are opposed, bowed down to the top, and accepted the jurisdiction of the upper class. On the other hand, to the common people, make up all kinds of stories, and change the law to intimidate and defraud, the purpose is to squeeze money to support them. Because these people do not produce, they do not produce benefits themselves, and they have to live a good life, eat well, and use good pampering. can only rely on the support of the upper echelons to defraud the lower echelons of money, and at the same time, in return, to help the upper echelons and make up all kinds of rhetoric to stabilize the people. These arguments of several major religions have been perfected for thousands of years, and they have theoretically plugged all the logical loopholes (those that have not been plugged are called xiejiao), and the logical self-consistency is that it cannot be refuted with facts, as follows:

1. From a longitudinal point of view, the hardships in this life are caused by not believing in religion in the previous life, and believing in religion can become better in the next life.

2. Horizontally, those who are in calamity in the world are all because they do not believe, and those who believe are all good.

3. Money is the biggest cause of evil, donate to me as much as possible, and my life can get better.

Almost all the three major religions have been refined by themselves, and one thing in common is that the main one cannot be verified, and it is all up to me.

Lower class: In all dynasties, the common people were the most miserable, the well-off families were worried about accidents, and the poor families wanted to get rid of poverty, and these people came to the Buddha to seek answers. Those who have no money donate less money and kowtow more to help publicity, those who have money contribute a lot of money, and even grassroots officials come to worship, which can be used to make up stories. In the end, they all got the comfort of the soul.

Therefore, the living Buddha is a Buddhist mascot in the world, and the upper and middle levels colluded, and they all got what they wanted, and then went together to enslave the lower classes.

Fourth, the living Buddha in the eyes of the political elite is actually the upper political elite, whether ancient or modern, do not believe in religion, they know very well the ins and outs of this set of tricks, so Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and these figures dare to bury their ashes in the river and bury them at sea, knowing that these theories that surrender to their feet are just tools to maintain stability.

The upper level has given some rights and interests to the middle level, but these rights and interests are within their acceptable range, if the middle level vainly tries to stretch out their hands too long and be greedy for more, then they will turn their faces and deny people to give you a devastating eradication.

The famous three martial arts and one sect destroyed the Buddha, these four emperors, issued an edict to kill monks, destroy Buddha statues, burn scriptures, demolish temples, and forcibly return to the world, in essence, it is to ask for money and people from religion, ordinary people are scared half to death when they break a ceramic Buddha statue, and the sins they committed are not exaggerated in the eyes of people who believe in Buddhism and go down to one hundred and eighty layers of hell, but people don't care at all. Not to mention, most of the young generals of the Red Guards who broke the four olds are still alive and well.

Therefore, in the eyes of the political elite, religion is like straw paper, which is only used when it is needed, and thrown away when it is not needed.

Don't think that the ancients were really superstitious, Emperor Qianlong saw this set thoroughly:
in the Qing Dynasty, the Qing government supported the four major living Buddhas to manage Tibetan Buddhism - the Dalai Lama, the Panchen Lama, Jebu Tsundamba, and Zhangjia, the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama are both in Tibet, and they are stationed in the former Tibet and the latter Tibet; Jebtsundamba in Kulen in Outer Mongolia; The rise of the Zhangjia Living Buddha was purely supported by the Qing government in order to balance the Mongolian Jebzundamba, and the Qianlong Emperor personally supported it, and was stationed in Duolun, Inner Mongolia.

It can be seen that even if religion is used, the Qing government is worthy of being the culmination of the 2,000-year-old feudal system, and it has used the strategy of checks and balances to the extreme. Especially in Mongolia, the Qing court was extremely uneasy about the descendants of Genghis Khan, for fear that the Jebu Tsundamba family would be dominant, and all kinds of restrictions, in addition to promoting a Zhangjia living Buddha, Qianlong also specially issued a decree stipulating: The reincarnation of the living Buddha of Jebtsundamba must be in Litang County, Sichuan Province.

Does this sound like a word? Such a great living Buddha with great magical powers, was actually said by the emperor, and even a document was made hard to stipulate where each life is reincarnated, is it a person in charge of the Buddha or a Buddha in charge of people? How else do you weave a mysterious cloak?

Therefore, in order to give them a step, Qianlong claimed that Qianlong himself and his descendants were the reincarnation of Manjushri Bodhisattva, so that the Bodhisattva was in charge of the living Buddha, which was more reasonable. Therefore, until now, there are still many believers who preach that Emperor Qianlong also believed in Buddhism and was Manjushri Bodhisattva, so he lived to be the longest-lived emperor at the age of 88.

We must see the real logic inside, and not listen to the fools.

Let's look at an even more explosive current document in our country - "Measures for the Management of the Reincarnation of Living Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism", which was issued by the State Administration of Religious Affairs, and is the institution whose headquarters is in the palace of Prince Alcohol in Beijing. No monastic believers will publicize this document, so ordinary people almost never pay attention to it, because once the content in it is propagated, it is equivalent to opening up the wisdom of the people, and the mystery and theoretical foundation of the entire Tibetan Buddhism have collapsed.

Article 4: A person who applies for reincarnation as a living Buddha shall not be reincarnated under any of the following circumstances:
...... Where the people's government at or above the districted city level expressly orders that it must not be reincarnated.
Article 11: Where these Measures are violated by handling matters concerning the reincarnation of a living Buddha without authorization, the religious affairs department of the people's government shall, in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulations on Religious Affairs", impose administrative punishments on the responsible persons and responsible units; where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility is pursued in accordance with law.

What does that mean, just a prefecture-level city government, I can disagree with your reincarnation; If you dare to reincarnate "without permission" and do not report to me for approval, then you are breaking the law.

That's funny. However, it also shows the essence, everything is in the service of ZZ, and in the end it is the regime that rules everything.

5. The status quo of the four living Buddhas:

The above 4 living Buddhas, the current situation in Tibet, still need the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama 2 series of living Buddhas to be in charge. The Panchen Lama has always been our person, and the Dalai Lama will not live for a few years in India anyway, so wait patiently for you to die, and then we will follow the historical tradition of your sect and set up another person under our control.

Jebtsundamba VIII, in 1921 when Mongolia became independent, has nothing to do with China, the Central Mongolian People's Republic does not believe in Buddhism, interrupted for more than 80 years, in 2011 Mongolia itself certified the IX, but specially declared that Jebtsundamba reincarnation is Mongolia's own religious affairs, not allowed China to interfere.

Zhang Jia Living Buddha, all the way to follow the government of the Republic of China, one did not make independence, two did not follow the Japanese, but he was also a man, and finally because he followed Lao Jiang to Taiwan, he could not implement Beijing's golden bottle lottery system, so he had to announce that this lineage would not be reincarnated for the time being. I estimate that after the reunification of Taiwan, the obstacles on the ZZ will be gone, and it is very likely that there will be followers of this line who will apply for reincarnation.

Therefore, these four living Buddhas have all risen due to the needs of the regime, and the current status quo is also related to the political forces of all parties, and they have all been used from ancient times to the present.

If we have to say that this Buddha and God can really bless individuals, guard the nation, and protect the country, I think that the Dzungaria, Xiongnu, Dangxiang, Khitan, and Turkic, which have disappeared by our roots, must have been united by us, so we abandoned them.

The concept of a Living Buddha, a figure of great reverence in Buddhist traditions, often sparks curiosity and intrigue. The Living Buddha's supposed ability to reincarnate stirs further fascination. But is this reincarnation a reality or just a cultural myth?

In a bid to unveil the truth, we plunge into an illuminating exploration drawing on Popular Science. Our search takes us through a myriad of perspectives, unearthing historical records, evaluating scientific evidence, and analyzing religious beliefs.

Looking at the relationship between science and religion, we find interesting intersections and contradictions. Science reveals that reincarnation involves complex biological processes, while religious texts provide metaphysical explanations of the Living Buddha's return. These diverse viewpoints create a compelling narrative that allows us to question, learn and grow.

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