Why-do-rich-celebrities-like-to-make-offerings-to-the-living-Buddha-master Buddha&Energy

Why do rich celebrities like to make offerings to the Buddhism?

Buddhism - Why Rich Celebrities Are Drawn to Making Offerings

First of all, the so-called offering is very normal, the earliest founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni, strictly required monks not to accumulate wealth, even if they had property before becoming a monk (he himself was a prince, and he gave up the throne to become a monk). Since there is no property, how to solve the problem of food, clothing, housing and transportation? Dressing is easy to do, the key is to eat.

Shakyamuni asked the monks to eat by the bowl, to put it bluntly, they wanted food, and ordinary people provided food to the monks, which was called "offerings", and this state has continued until now.

However, one of the characteristics of the offering to the teacher mentioned in the news is that it is generally Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibetan Buddhism is a big hybrid, in the past, the place believed in a primitive religion, called Bon, all kinds of gods and ghosts, and later Songtsen Gampo married two princesses, a princess Wencheng from the Tang Dynasty, a princess from Nepal, and then the two princesses brought over the religious classics in Tibet to hybridize and blossom, so Tibetan Buddhism at the same time absorbed the Buddhism of the Tang Dynasty, the Brahmins of India, and the native Bon of Tibet, the whole is very bells and whistles.

By the Yuan Dynasty, with the rise and expansion of Mongolia, Tibetan Buddhism spread rapidly among the upper Mongolian classes. The reason for the success of Tibetan Buddhism is very simple, its underlying code is the original Bon and Buddhism, which not only absorbs the primitiveness of Bon, but also absorbs the grandeur of Buddhism, low enough down, high enough upward, a bit like a system as cool as the Apple system, but it can run on the Xiaobawang learning machine. There were some very primitive religious rituals, such as the use of human bones and human skins, as well as some lofty worldviews, which were very suitable for the semi-literate nouveau riche ruling group of the Mongol aristocracy.

Tibetan Buddhism flourished in the Yuan Dynasty, not only among the Mongols, but also in the Han region of the Central Plains, even though the Yuan Dynasty died out in less than 100 years. In the Ming Dynasty, Tibetan Buddhism spread faster, because the Ming Dynasty emperor wanted to encircle the leaders of Tibet and Mongolia, and often invited famous Tibetan monks to come to preach and hold various rituals, and accordingly accepted some Tibetan Buddhism content, and the Ming Dynasty bureaucrats were often haunted by lamas.

After the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, the Jurchens originally believed in primitive shamanism, and later gradually became stronger. At that time, Mongolia had already been divided in the confrontation with the Ming Dynasty for more than two hundred years, with the strength of the Qing, after several wars, Mongolia began to cooperate with the Qing, and the Tibetan Buddhism believed by the Mongols naturally spread in the Jurchen area, which was the same as in the early Mongolian period, Tibetan Buddhism that had been polished for hundreds of years was much stronger than the rough shamanism, and soon the upper class of the Manchu Qing Dynasty also began to accept Tibetan Buddhism.

When the Qing troops entered the customs and established the Qing Dynasty, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty had a lot of brains about how to control such a large area as Mongolia, Tibet, and Xinjiang ideologically.

And in order to win over the Mongolian tribes and Tibet, the Qing Dynasty emperors, whether true or not, seem to be very respectful of Tibetan Buddhism, some simply converted, as for the establishment of Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and held puja is countless, just in the Chengde summer resort built dozens of monasteries, offering thousands of monks, the fourth elder brother Yinzhen became the emperor, the original Yongwang Mansion was changed to the current Yonghe Palace, which shows the royal family's support for this religion.

During the Qianlong period, the reincarnation system of the four living Buddhas was officially recognized, and the political power of the former Tibet (Dalai), the latter Tibet (Panchen), the outer Mongolia (Jebtsundamba) and the Inner Mongolia Qinghai (Zhangjia) were respectively controlled, and they were divided and ruled to prevent them from colluding together. Tibetan Buddhist monks gave various honorific titles to the Qing emperors, believing that the Qing emperors were the incarnations of Manjushri (the most revered ones in Tibetan Buddhism are Manjushri and Guanyin), so they all called the emperor "Buddha". To add another word, many people in Tibet still regard Chairman Mao as Manjushri.

Since then, Tibetan Buddhism has become the national religion, the Qing Dynasty royal family began to support religious teachers, up and down, the people are also very concerned about this matter, the capital officials are very rich, have the habit of sending money to the master on holidays to ask for peace, until the end of the Qing Dynasty, this custom has not been broken.

Subsequently, the whole Republic of China did not change much, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the four olds were broken, and the influence of Buddhism plummeted for a time, until after the reform, things changed again.

In the 80s and 90s of the last century, almost overnight in China, all kinds of masters were rampant, but the first to rise up was not the Tibetan monks, but all kinds of masters, especially the qigong masters, some of whom were able to gather millions of believers. Friends can ask the elderly over 60 years old, at that time men, women and children were practicing, all kinds of names, than now in the park exercise is so much more interesting, interested partners can search for their own photos at that time, quite spicy.

The masters are naturally more daring than one to blow, the treatment of cancer and paralysis is the basic operation, and it is normal to be able to call all kinds of immortals, and there are masters who claim to be able to treat infertility. From the beginning of the 80s to the end of the 90s of the last century, all over the country with parks and elderly activity centers as strongholds, practicing qigong is much more lively than the people who dance square dance and exercise now, and compared with the same routines now, according to official statistics, there are hundreds of new exercises every year, which really mobilizes the creativity of the people.

For example, at that time, with the development of industry, the traditional iron pot was gradually replaced, and the stainless steel woks were not yet popularized, and many people used light and strong aluminum pots. So at that time, you can see everyone everywhere buttoning the pot on their heads, and now you can see it after a little search.

At that time, there was a famous person who engaged in "incense gong", and it was still mentioned in the newspapers in the 90s, that master was broadcasting on the radio every day, and it seemed to be the late 80s, although the television set was popular, but the TV station was still relatively official, and it was not broadcast live through TV. Countless believers posed, facing the radio, the master performed in the live radio hall, and believers all over the country received "gongli" through radio waves. Even in 1987, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians fought hard for a month to extinguish the fire, and some masters dared to come out and say that the fire was actually extinguished by himself with his apprentices.

In those days, because of the large number of believers, many of the masters who engaged in qigong were really fame and fortune, and the famous masters toured the country to give lectures, and the believers crammed a standard football field into the basic operation. As for money, the master took apprentices everywhere, and some of the apprentices were rich and easy to get rich.

In addition to qigong, there was also a place where there were many masters at that time, that is, special functions. Qigong is a thing that needs to talk about traditional culture, and there is a lot of room for special functions to be played, and basically the principle is to "stimulate the potential of the human body".

At that time, the rich and celebrities were the objects that these people paid more attention to wooing, not that these people were easier to deceive, because these people had money and status, and they were relatively generous, and they were top N ordinary people. In addition, you have to save face, and even if you find out that you have been deceived, you don't want to say it.

In addition, these people have a wide range of contacts, as long as they deceive one, the scammer can get a large number of potential customers, and most of them believe in the circle culture, thinking that the people in their circle are smarter, more informed, and more reliable than ordinary people outside, as long as they are introduced by "their own people", it will not be too outrageous. So often this kind of person can be deceived by a liar for many years, and he still hypes it up to people he knows, but outsiders can see through the trick at a glance, but he is convinced.

Just as the qigong masters were working to heal the sick, a wind blew in from Hong Kong.

Hong Kong people are very fond of offering to their teachers, especially in the Hong Kong entertainment industry and the wealthy circle. As a city that developed because of the colony, Hong Kong's own culture is really weak, originally just an ordinary port city, because of the Western blockade after the liberation, Hong Kong took advantage of it to replace Shanghai's position in the Asian economy, and rose rapidly.

As mentioned earlier, as long as it is a sudden and rapid rise, you will be confused because you can't find a reason for success, and you need to find a spiritual sustenance. A country is like this, and so is a person.

So what is the daily "sudden rise" of the industry? is obviously in the entertainment industry, whether it can succeed or not is random many times, maybe it will become popular, and the financial status obtained after becoming popular is very amazing. And Hong Kong itself does not have a real economy, most of the business is re-export and speculation, can you make a fortune and make a lot of money, although the autobiography of the rich is written at the head of the Tao, in fact, how to know in their own hearts, many times really belong to a kind of metaphysics, so Hong Kong's superstitious atmosphere is particularly strong, from the world's point of view, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the two developed regions should be the most superstitious.

So in Hong Kong, the streets are full of metaphysics, whether it is the traditional Chinese culture of feng shui numerology, or Western imported products such as astrological blood type, or even the Nanyang head and ghosts, there are large-scale believers, and one more thing, Southeast Asian witchcraft first affected the entertainment industry in Hong Kong, and later had a great impact on the mainland entertainment industry.

At this time, Tibetan Buddhism (especially the so-called "Esoteric Buddhism"), which has a more metaphysical color, is more attractive to Hong Kong people. So looking at the news, Hong Kong's celebrity rich people make daily friends to support their masters, the most famous should be Jet Li, who has admired Tibetan Buddhism to the extreme over the years.

After the reopening, Hong Kong businessmen invested in the mainland, and slowly brought this demonic wind back in, and there are still a lot of strange ideas.

For example, there was a very powerful scientist at that time, who said in public that why he was so awesome was completely because of "good fortune", and everything he had cultivated in his previous life. I don't know if the "good fortune" that Ma Daochang said later came from here.

But most people can't know whether they have accumulated virtue in their previous life, so some bosses began to think about how to surprise and accumulate virtue in this life, to ensure that the second half of the life can also be smooth sailing, so all kinds of demons and monsters went into battle, some went to the temple to grab the first incense, some began to support the living Buddha, and some began to repair the temple.

You may not have heard of building temples, and it was very fashionable in the early years. Everyone has heard a sentence, saving a life is better than building a seven-level floating slaughter, "seven-level floating slaughter" is the meaning of "seven-level stupa", businessmen who are good at reverse thinking quickly reacted, and the experience of building a pagoda in the temple is equivalent to saving a person? How easy it is, crazy to increase production capacity and build temples everywhere.

Everyone knows that Cao Dewang, he has an autobiography, once flipped through it at the airport, it is a collection of feudal superstitions, which writes in detail how Lao Cao engages in superstition, including his building a temple to raise money to tell fortunes and watch feng shui. There is no contempt for Lao Cao here, that is, the merchants of that era were generally superstitious.

Later, the rich people began to learn from the Hong Kong people, offering to the Guru and the Living Buddha and so on. The word "living Buddha" sounds very powerful, but it actually means that the monks in the Tibetan temple will be reincarnated after death, and every time the monk is reincarnated, he is a living Buddha.

However, this can not be transferred casually, since the Qing Dynasty has been subject to the central government, and now the country also has a law, called the "Tibetan Buddhism Living Buddha Reincarnation Management Measures", if you want to reincarnate you have to submit an application to the government, after the government review and approval, the establishment of the Living Buddha Reincarnation Committee, under the supervision of the committee can be transferred, according to the importance of the living Buddha, the approval process and the size of the committee are different.

As for the number of living Buddhas, there are many, generally there are living Buddhas in those temples in Tibet and Sichuan, there is one small temple, there are dozens of big temples, and the whole country adds up to one or two thousand, and now they can be checked on the Internet.

However, in the early years, there was no way to check, so many scammers organized to pretend to be living Buddhas to cheat in the mainland, pour some chicken soup on everyone, pretend to be ancient Tibetan wisdom, and sell some faith-related products by the way, such as prayer beads, prayer wheels, thangkas, etc., and also provide some value-added services, such as going to the homes of rich people to exorcise demons, giving celebrities good luck, and so on.

The old liar can also recommend a few new scammers before retiring from the rivers and lakes, at that time, there was no way to check the Internet, and no one had the motivation to drive to the Sichuan-Tibet temple to inquire about whether the living Buddha of this temple is the one, so how can those rich people know who is the real living Buddha and who is fake?

It can only be introduced through a living Buddha they believe in, and after a long time, it is like a pyramid scheme, and there are more and more living Buddhas, and later, it is said that there are 300,000 Rinpoche in Chaoyang District, and Rinpoche is the Tibetan pronunciation of the living Buddha. Many celebrities and rich people live in Chaoyang District, and there are also several communities in Chaoyang District that are expensive to death, and celebrities and rich people live there, such as Wu Yifan, who was arrested in the past two days, he lives there, and the Chaoyang District police are responsible for issuing reports and arresting people, and the people in Chaoyang District are well-informed and have been tightening the string of class struggle for a long time, and they often perform miraculous feats.

Because there are too many cases of getting rich overnight, in the celebrity circle and the rich circle, few people believe in "hard work to get rich", everyone tends to engage in metaphysics or something, and they pay attention to the circle.

The circle attributes of celebrities and wealthy businessmen are particularly important, that is, they attach great importance to "connections". Many things, such as the selection of a role and the participation in a sale, make little difference to anyone, and at this time, if you are also in a certain "circle", the advantage will naturally be great.

This is "labeling" in sociology, each person sticks a few, and then quickly evaluates the relationship between the other party and herself through the label, for example, when a female star sees another, "the whole body is a lot", "raising Teddy", "XX's best friend", "Acting skills are picked and greeted by the audience every day", "I have four films with less than 4 points on Douban", "I can write a book in love history, but I am still single now", compared it with my own label, and found that the two were 91% compatible, so it was natural to marry Jin Lan when they saw each other.

Therefore, many celebrities don't know how to do anything, and they are confused about everything, but they can always insert a new show, which makes the audience feel incredible. Maybe people just have a lot of labels on their bodies, and all kinds of circles can mix. Some newcomers or starlets follow their predecessors, and they do what they do, and when they become bigger, the juniors will learn from themselves.

As for doing business, as long as there are not too many bad deeds, there is business in a circle to take care of each other, and the so-called "everyone earns money". Therefore, many businessmen have lost money, but the money owed to peers cannot be relied on, as long as it is not really wrong, always think of various ways to pay it back, some people say that people talk about the spirit of integrity and contract. In fact, it is to keep his label in the circle, and there are still people who are willing to do business with him in the future.

In this way, it can also explain two problems, one is why the reputation of things produced in the domestic entertainment industry is always not good; And things made on the edge of the circle or even outside the circle have occasional hits.

And the master is often the initiator of a circle, just like a hot wifi, can contact a bunch of bigwigs, third- and fourth-tier stars are easy to meet the bigwigs at the dinner of the "masters", and "befriending the bigwigs" is very important for their careers. Speaking of which, everyone understands why so many celebrities and bigwigs went to Master Wang Lin to watch "Snake Becomes Live in Seconds", not because everyone has a quirk and likes snakes, but because the master's home is a platform.

Later, after several crackdowns by the state, the fake living Buddha is now basically cracked down, the real living Buddha information is all on the Internet, and the information can be found at any time, once something too unreliable is done, the national law can directly prohibit the reincarnation of a living Buddha, and cut off the inheritance of this branch.

There is also the practice of Tibetan Buddhism, in addition to the general precepts and recitation, the tantric "empowerment" is the most talked about, but here I will explain that the empowerment, to put it bluntly, is a kind of certification, using a bowl of water to pour on the top of the head, which means that you have learned the Dharma to a certain extent, and the guru announces that you have reached this level through the empowerment.

The most famous empowerment should be the farce of the British actor Zhang Tielin in Hong Kong a few years ago, in fact, he met a liar, but the scammer made too much money, and the ordinary method could not squeeze out the money, and he actually said that Zhang Tielin should be a "living Buddha", and went to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center to make a mess of the ceremony, as for how much money he deceived Zhang Tielin, according to the grapevine, it is 30 million.

In addition to empowerments, Tibetan Buddhism also has a rich use of various religious objects, which mostly refer to religious objects that can promote spiritual practice, most of which are very different from everyday things, and are usually enshrined, which are said to absorb the mindfulness of believers and help the holder's practice.

Regarding these artifacts of Tibetan Buddhism, it is estimated that the most famous is Jet Li's nine-eyed dzi, and there are many reports, which are nothing more than staring at the so-called value of 100 million, and no one seems to care about the dzi itself. I found a random picture on the Internet, and it looks like this.

As for what the dzi is, this thing used to be called "burnt flower agate", as soon as you hear it, you will know what it is, that is, you can use a special process to get some patterns on the agate, because the pattern burned out is similar to the eyes, the more eyes the higher the value, Jet Li's is called "nine-eyed dzi", it is said that it can be sold for more than 100 million.

Dzi is an ancient Tibetan local ornament, which was a sacred relic of Bon long before the introduction of Buddhism, and was later absorbed by Tibetan Buddhism and became one of the magic weapons of Buddhism. This thing was produced before the Tang Dynasty, maybe the process was lost, and there was no new production for a long time, I checked, this batch of old dzi probably survived more than 10,000 pieces, all of which were expensive.

After hundreds of years to the Qing Dynasty, there was a process of making dzi, and the dzi made after that cannot be said to be fake, generally called "new dzi", they do not say that the antique is not a fake, but say "new", "your thing is relatively new", which means that it has only been made recently, and it cannot be sold for money.

Before the Tang Dynasty, dzi was very expensive, and later it was very cheap. Later, Taiwan mastered the production process of dzi and mass-produced this thing, which was completely broken.

I was on a business trip to Taiwan before, and there was a colleague who specialized in forging this thing, and when I ate, I took out several of them and distributed them to everyone, saying that their products were no different from the dzi before the Tang Dynasty, and only the top masters could tell the difference. The dzi they made was sold to the mainland before, and they made a fortune in the early years, but the competition has been too fierce in recent years, and many people in Taiwan are doing this thing, which has led to their time-honored business becoming more and more frustrated, he didn't do this business, he was admitted to college, and after graduation, he came out to make software, and his brother continued to engage in this industry.

I knew that Taiwan had an advantage in fraud, but I didn't expect them to be good at counterfeiting, and I have to admire that Taiwan's most beautiful people are indeed people. And I also know one thing from him, it is not illegal to make counterfeits, it is illegal to sell fakes, and it is illegal to say that the fake is true, so their family has a façade in Taiwan, and they openly sell fake dzi, which are more than 100 cheap, and very expensive.

Saying this, in fact, I want to say that now the whole has formed a big industry, I seem to have talked a lot today, in fact, it is only the tip of the iceberg, after all, I am not an insider, and I will not know too completely.


After getting rich, they engage in superstition, mainly because too many people do not rely on ability or anything, but rely on a kind of randomness and chaos, which is called "chaotic" in English, and even if they do it again, they dare not ensure that they can have the same result, so this kind of people have fallen into a kind of agnosticism, offering to the teacher, wearing a dzi, and surging blessings, and it is a matter of course.

However, our country is a socialist atheist country, and everyone must be firm not to mess with strange forces, you look at this one, all kinds of religious people are happy to go to a meeting with the national flag together, isn't it?

There is a growing trend of rich celebrities being drawn towards Buddhism, often seen making offerings or participating in rituals. But why is this so? What does Buddhism offer that attracts this specific group?

As per the teachings of Buddhism, it nurtures the practice of giving or 'Dāna.' This is one possible explanation. Many rich celebrities find comfort and satisfaction in giving away, contributing towards a greater cause symbolizing compassion and selflessness - key teachings of Buddhism.

Another philosophical aspect of Buddhism is the belief in Karma. The act of giving or making offerings is seen as a good deed, improving one's karma, which can lead to better future lives. This belief might resonate with several celebrities, as they seek both - a peace of mind and good karma.

Lastly, Buddhism teaches one to detach from worldly possessions and desires, which may seem appealing to celebrities burdened by their fame and wealth. Making offerings to Buddhism can be a way of practicing this detachment.

While these are a few reasons, the connection between rich celebrities and Buddhism can vary from person to person, influenced by numerous other personal and philosophical factors.

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